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Diwali is all about sweets

2019-10-25 10:23:10

Know about the importance of sweet on Diwali Festival

Festival of light Diwali is celebrated by Hindus, Jains and Sikhs (October 28 of this year, dates vary depending on Indian lunar calendar). This is festival which is celebrated by Hindus all over the world. On this festival people exchange gift and buy new dress. Culture of giving sweet on this day is very old. 

It is hard to imagine celebrating the Diwali festival without thinking of giving sweets. From your neighbour to your best friend, it is an indispensable gift you buy to celebrate the occasion. But have you ever wondered why you exchange sweets on Diwali.

To know the importance of giving sweets, you first need to know the story of Diwali. Next, before discussing the importance of giving sweets, let's take a closer look at why we celebrate this beautiful light festival.

This festival is celebration to give honour to lord Rama when he back to his home after 14 yrs of exile. People light up their home with diya and candle and believe that lord Laxami will come to their home on this day.

The meaning of giving sweets at Diwali

As you have read now, it is festival of joy. Diwali is a celebration of victory of good over evil. What do we usually do when there are such fun moments? No doubt sweets like kaju katli, Royal mixe etc are best way to celebrate this day.

·         Diwali also marks the end of the year's harvest season. This time, farmers' homes will evaluate their crop rewards. Farmers appreciate the rich generosity of last year and can share happiness with others when the harvest is very high. This is why we started exchanging gifts and sweets.

·         However, this is not the only reason to give candy. Diwali also means the beginning of the New Year. It also marks the beginning of a new agricultural / commercial year. We celebrate the New Year by shooting cookies, wearing new clothes, visiting temples and exchanging sweets.

·         In short, the sweets we give at the Diwali Festival hope that our friends and family will prosper and have a happy New Year. After all, who doesn't love a sweet year?

Special sweets and delicacies to eat during the Diwali Festival

Without sweet food, you won't celebrate Diwali. Indian sweets come in a variety of colours and flavours. Indian families start preparing sweets for Diwali festival 10 days before the festival. However, the celebration features a variety of rich flavours and sweet dishes. Eating out is common, but the family mainly cooks at home for parents to arrive and exchange gifts. Each family celebrating Diwali will probably have their favourite sweet for the festival

Which sweets are good on Diwali Festival?

kaju katli, Royal mix, son papadi etc are few of common sweets which most of people like to buy during Diwali Festival. People like to buy them because they are good in taste and keep fresh for long duration. 

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